Happy Easter Sunday

i hope everyone, without unfortunate news, enjoys Easter this year. even if u do not celebrate it as many of the various religous groups do, with prayer, consideration, rabbits and candy… i hope u can at least enjoying your weekend with family and friends.

although i’m not a very big fan of wikipedia, i think anyone who’s ever been curious about the whole rabbit, eggs, “Easter” name and what it all has to do with the Christian experience or non-experience should check out the info there:

7 thoughts on “Happy Easter Sunday

  1. i hate to hear news like that (about your boss/parter’s dad). We had a scare last night with our grandmother, we thought she had a stroke. She is in the hospital, had an insulin reaction. She’s in her 80’s. So prayers would be nice on that matter as well. Happy Easter to all.


  2. sorry to hear that james, i hope she is feeling better soon. we all need a little more good news around here… maybe a joke or something… where you at benny??? got any good ones? or anyone else for that matter!

  3. o that’s that kissing the a$$ of the new boss joke right… u seen that commercial? nice try… but u can do better… m’kay

  4. Sorry to hear all the bad news. I’ll say some prayers for James and Buster’s partner/boss.

    I’m trying to catch up on blogging.

    What did the fish say when it swam into a concrete wall?



    Here is another:
    How do you make Holy Water?

    You boil the hell out of it.


    If I can help anymore just let me know. 🙂


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