Google Maps for Internet Explorer & Windows

finally just enough time to release the coolest freeware i’ve ever made (not as if that’s saying much… haha). i hope u find it to be helpful! MUCHO PROPS to James Cross for dealing with the icon headache… i hate making icons and i think James probably feels the same way after this experience. thanks for hooking me up jj!

Google Maps for Internet Explorer & Windows

One thought on “Google Maps for Internet Explorer & Windows

  1. Thank you sir. I am still not happy with the icons.. but I don’t think I ever would be. the bigger ones, and the ones that actually allow you to use a large palette of colors are nice – but beyond that… ummm I’m not takin’ credit for haha.

    Learning experience I suppose. Nice piece of freeware though, Imma push it to my realtors if possible – they love Google Maps.


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