PHP for GUI’s on the web

well i’ve let my last poll run longer than the others and didn’t get a real strong response… i guess it goes to show that several of my visitors aren’t developers… or aren’t developers who like to share their opinions. but, i did get a decent response and a broad ranging one also.

i’m really not surprised to see that PHP was the favorite scripting language for creating web gui’s. it’s free and more importantly it’s primary platform (linux) is free and, as i understand it, still the most popular OS used in the web server market today.

if you haven’t seen the results here they are:

2 thoughts on “PHP for GUI’s on the web

  1. You got to many poker players lookin’ at your blog – thats the problem? guess its not really a problem. hehe

    I am a fan of PHP, and trying to become a bit more versed in it – with little projects… but I need to learn alot of new languages.

    Perhaps I’m getting back in the swing.


  2. yeah i like php… still not my fave.. although if u need some free code… man alive there are tons of FREE complete apps and great code samples for php online. u gotta love that. it reminds me of VB code for windows apps… tons of good free code out there for that too.

    and yes… i need to get back to my ‘poker mistakes’ posts… i’ve had 2 more topics i wanted to cover for a long time.. just haven’t had time to sit for a while and type it all out. i need to look into voice recognition again… i haven’t played with it since 99… surely its gotten a lot better in the last 6 years. it would be soooooo nice to just speak instead of type! in fact… i’m going to blog about it now.

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