Graphic Designers Wanted in San Antonio, Dallas and Houston

the company i’m working for is looking to hook up with talented graphic designers located in major cities within Texas. if you’re a talented graphic designer but not in Texas we’d still be interested in meeting you and seeing your portfolio.

however, our idea is to focus our website design, website hosting, search engine optimization, email marketing and software programming business to our immediate surroundings. sure we currently have clients all over the world (literally international) and with technology there’s not necessarily a huge advantage in being physically close to our clients… but we’d like to. we like the idea of being able to visit with our clients face to face in the time it takes for a short drive or very short flight.

so… if you’re a Texan and got skills let us know >> contact SiteStreet

3 thoughts on “Graphic Designers Wanted in San Antonio, Dallas and Houston

  1. Tempting… only thing is I kinda do this “on the side”. I be damned if there isn’t a freakin’ sentence devoted just for that.


  2. both you guys are great and i’d recommend to my boss in a flash…

    but we’re definetly looking for somebody who’s full-timing it. However… if you want it wouldn’t hurt to email your portfolio and price estimates for your services to my boss at webmaster @

    and if u ever get a client that’s looking for some good back end content management for a web design we hope you’ll consider us too.

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