Yearly Archives: 2005

Microsoft Virtual Earth is lame

compared to Google Maps (with satellite imagery) Microsoft’s MSN Virtual Earth >> is pretty much WEAK.

but hey… give M$ time… they got cash and always like to be second with an idea but first in the marketplace.

supposedly Yahoo! is going to release a similar product too. i’m sure that won’t be covered up in banner ads << sarcasm.

Google Maps for IE and Windows Downloaded 884 and counting

Well it’s officially been 1 month that my Google Maps freeware download has been on and thus far it’s shown an impressive 669 downloads. I’ve also had 171 downloads directly from my site. That’s a total of 884 downloads in the first month… not too shabby.

the numbers should be more impressive once I submit the software to all the other 100+ freeware sites. i just haven’t had time this past month. (it only takes about an hour or so… but man that’s valuable time these days).

so, again thanks to james cross for the icons and i hope everyone who’s enjoying Google Maps ( is enjoying my Google Maps for Internet Explorer and Windows Freeware (

Graphic Designers Wanted in San Antonio, Dallas and Houston

the company i’m working for is looking to hook up with talented graphic designers located in major cities within Texas. if you’re a talented graphic designer but not in Texas we’d still be interested in meeting you and seeing your portfolio.

however, our idea is to focus our website design, website hosting, search engine optimization, email marketing and software programming business to our immediate surroundings. sure we currently have clients all over the world (literally international) and with technology there’s not necessarily a huge advantage in being physically close to our clients… but we’d like to. we like the idea of being able to visit with our clients face to face in the time it takes for a short drive or very short flight.

so… if you’re a Texan and got skills let us know >> contact SiteStreet

Optimus Keyboard – pricing for 2006

have u heard of the optimus keyboard? i know if you checkout james’ blog then you have.

well according to slashdot… it’s expected to become a real product in 2006 and cost as much as a good cell phone ( i didn’t know there was such a thing). So, as I had figured it’s going to be an expensive keyboard… I’d guess… o… $150-200 USD.

be interesting to see how it sells if it does carry a sticker price that big.

for more info on the >> Optimus Keyboard

site and blog traffic stats for

i was glancing over the web traffic stats of my site and blog here at and realized that there are a significant number of people that stop by. for example, so far this month i’ve already had 936 unique visitors with 5821 page views with 611 visitors referred from search engines (yahoo,google,msn,etc in that order).

i gotta say i’ve got a few other sites that squash those numbers in traffic and what not, but it’s still neat that a simple personal website/blog could generate that much traffic. i guess the freeware (free software), free sound bytes and the snappy little blog postings i contribute to the web community are worth a few minutes for people here and there and everywhere.

curious what some of the search engine keywords used to get to my site/blog were:

dog the bounty hunter pictures
world series of poker blog
gmail shortcut
gmail downloads
southwest airlines ding
racecar sound
google maps freeware
stock recommend blog
round rock aaa baseball
tige boats

i’d be interested in hearing how any of your personal sites/blogs are doing.

Fiesta Texas on 4th of July (3rd actually)

on July 3rd my brother, cousin and i got up early (early for us anyhow) and went out to Lake Travis to do some wakeboarding until lunch time. then we cleaned up and headed down to San Antonio to go to Fiesta Texas.


but, it was fun. but, it was hot!

the superman rollercoaster there is superb. the rattler rollercoaster is wood and beats the crud out of you and hurt my back even [i will never ride it again nor recommend it].

the best part was the fireworks. i mean the ticket prices and $3.00 waters really are excessive but at least we all felt like we got some of our moneys worth out of the fireworks show. it was about 25 minutes long and solid. it wasn’t pop here pop there… it was blamblingbangpopsmackcracklegrrrrcrashsmackle all over the place. the ending was o so nice. they fireworks were shot off the top of a cliff where there are a couple of water falls and evidentally some dry grass on top… cause it caught on fire during the show, that was kinda neat too :D.

it was fun… hope everyone else had a great time over the weekend or on the 4th.

War of the Worlds… not so good

saw War of the Worlds over the weekend and it was great until the 2nd hour… and the ending… umm… whatever.

thats my opinion anyhow.

Batman Begins is GOOD.. did i already mention that? 😀

Batman Begins is BETTER THAN GOOD!!

just saw the best comic hero movie of all time.. i think. i mean not only is it a million times better than the other Batman movies but it is better than the Spiderman movies, XMen’s, and other less notables.

the movie was almost flawless. the casting was FINALLY RIGHT. the action was killer. the special effects were grand. the flow of the movie was great and the story line was tight.

we (my bro and i) were debating Batman Begins or War of the Worlds… I can bet we made the right decision (although we are both still eager to see W.O.W.)

Batman Begins… two thumbs and two big toes way up from me!!

Batman Begins