Supercross Dallas 2006

last weekend i went to the Supercross in Dallas (Texas Stadium) and had a blast! the races weren’t as competitive as they have been in past years. in the 250cc class Carmichael, Stewart & Reed were WAAAAAY better than the rest in the field. the main event race was pretty cool because Carmichael and Stewart were leading the pack and fighting each other hard when Carmichael lost it on the whoop section (knocking him back to the near last of the pack). Stewart then had a big lead on Reed and looked like he was gonna coast in winner with the last 10 laps to go… BUT he flew off the track after hitting a jump wrong on the edge. That put him back 6-7 places…. but he fought back to 2nd like it was nothing. Reed who started the race looking comfortable with settling for 3rd stayed fast enough to hold the lead until the end. i recorded some video with my recently acquired Cannon ZR 600 DV Camcorder (which should come in handy for capturing some ‘interesting’ moments at NU2 this summer). when i get some time i’ll convert some footage and upload it… in the meantime you’re just going to have to take my word that it was awesome.