Category Archives: Fun

X-Men 3 on Memorial Day Box Office Smash

if you didn’t see X-Men 3 this past Memorial Day weekend but have seen the first 2 you might have been in the minority of X-Men’ers. that’s because X-Men 3 made over 120 million bucks… CHA-CHING… btw >> MVL

i saw it and it was a pretty good movie… perfect to start the Summer movie-going season off with. i think a tad bit more comedy earlier in the film would’ve added a nice touch… but the action and fx weren’t lacking one bit.

if u haven’t seen the first 2 you can get away with not seeing them prior to checking out this installment… but i highly recommend you rent the first 2 (that way if u don’t like u don’t pay the 7-12$ per person ticket price).

Falling off the Atkins wagon

my birthday is coming up in a few weeks… and this year it’s going to be special because i’m going to pig out like never before! btw, Benny & I have the same birth DAY… (i think i’m a year or two younger tho :D). anyhow… many of you know that i started the Atkins diet back on February 1st… some of you know that it’s been a great diet for me… some of you can imagine (if you know anything about the Atkins diet) that i haven’t been eating many breads, potatoes & sugars. i’m sure you might be thinking… “how can you survive”… but it’s actually not too bad. however don’t think that my love for non-Atkins approved foods has diminished:
ice cream
candy bars
donuts (Krispy Kreme)
french fries
mash potatoes with gravy
macaroni & cheese
dinner rolls
garlic bread

so here’s the deal… i’m preparing to fall off the Atkins wagon for a week beginning the weekend of my birthday. i figure even if i gain 10lbs i can drop it off in no time once i get back into my diet (and i doubt i could possibly gain that much weight in a week… but we’ll see :D). anyhow i don’t want to forget anything that i might want to sample during this week long binge… so if there is anything you don’t see in the list that you think you i should splurge on then let me know… just remember it’s gotta contain bread/pastas, potatoes or SUGAR.

thanks for helping me out on this one… haha… the world(ok, my tummy) will be a better(um bigger) place with your participation!!

Mammaw & Hampaw’s 50th Anniversary

this weekend i flew out to Sant Fe, New Mexico to celebrate my grandparents (Mammaw & Hampaw) 50th wedding anniversary. it was a lot of fun… although it was a short trip. we dined in the wine room at the bottom of a very nice restaurant (didn’t catch the name). i supped the aged wine (again didn’t catch the name) had a pale ale or 2 with some quail, duck and i broke my diet for some creme brule (very much worth it 😀 ). we learned/re-learned how my grandparents met… on a blind date. there was a lot of laughter and a lot of love. my dad’s side of the family gets together much to0 infrequently so the gatherings are always dear… but this was truly a treasured time… i wish we could’ve all stayed for a week.

btw my dad, who owns a Colorado Springs Janitorial Services businees, scored some AWESOME resort & spa rooms from for $70 per night (listed everywhere else for $200… the rooms were p.i.m.p.

Santa Fe itself was kinda neat… definitely more for somebody who wants to shop (with some serious shopping money) and u have to enjoy southwestern art (or you’ll hate it fast). this time of year (Late April/Early May) is a great time to visit and ride horses on the trails… the air is brisk but not cold and the sun is shining and the mountains make a beautiful backdrop.

anyhow… it was fun and its cool to see your grandparents love each other more and more throughout the years… truly perfect for each other!

>> James & Mashala are on their way too

Supercross Dallas 2006

last weekend i went to the Supercross in Dallas (Texas Stadium) and had a blast! the races weren’t as competitive as they have been in past years. in the 250cc class Carmichael, Stewart & Reed were WAAAAAY better than the rest in the field. the main event race was pretty cool because Carmichael and Stewart were leading the pack and fighting each other hard when Carmichael lost it on the whoop section (knocking him back to the near last of the pack). Stewart then had a big lead on Reed and looked like he was gonna coast in winner with the last 10 laps to go… BUT he flew off the track after hitting a jump wrong on the edge. That put him back 6-7 places…. but he fought back to 2nd like it was nothing. Reed who started the race looking comfortable with settling for 3rd stayed fast enough to hold the lead until the end. i recorded some video with my recently acquired Cannon ZR 600 DV Camcorder (which should come in handy for capturing some ‘interesting’ moments at NU2 this summer). when i get some time i’ll convert some footage and upload it… in the meantime you’re just going to have to take my word that it was awesome.

Busy Bee Buster

thought i would drop a quick not to update friends and family… since i haven’t been making the rounds to other blogs and haven’t got to talk to some of you.

good news first:

— looks like my bro is headed to San Diego for a month or 2 to do some contract work with a company that he’s stoked about. i hope they offer him a full time position so he can move from the cold Denver Colorado to the warm sunny southern cal… cause u know i’ll be visiting him much more often 😀

— my job is still going good and keeping me busy… i’ve started designing the content managment system and about to finish up with backend programming conversion to C# .Net 2.0 (geek speak for GOOD STUFF)

— i was getting very fat (well i’d say i’ve been fat for a long time) after researching the Atkins diet for 2 years i finally decided that my exercise patterns were not going to change soon or easily so the only alternative would be my diet. i started on Feb 1st 2006 and I lost 20 lbs so far without any additional exercise. i don’t really care how much weight i lose… i just couldn’t stand how big my gut was getting. well… it’s shrunk down a bit and hopefully will got a little bit more. this summer i plan to be active on the lake so my exercise should pick up as well as my carb (sugar) intake :D… in the meantime i’m cool with Atkins… i eat lots of meat anyhow and now i don’t really even worry about fattening stuff… just bread, potatoes and sugar (like that’s easy…. just think about those 3 little words and how much you eat in a day!)

now some bad news:

— i got back yesterday from my Uncle’s funeral. he died from Cancer. it started as lung cancer and spread to his kidney and bones… CIGARETTES DO KILL!! don’t give me that line about how your great aunt chain smoked for 100 years and was healthy as an ox… i’ve got people like that in my family too… but the reality is that those people are the exception… not the rule… for most of us if we eat too much we get fat… if we smoke we get cancer… do yourself and your loved ones a favor and put down the cigarettes!!

— taxes are around the corner and i’ll be so glad when i get my business and personal taxes filed… by next year my business taxes should be a breeze… they were supposed to be a breeze this year… but we’re not quite there yet… next year we will be for sure!!

— Iran is bad news for us Americans… heck maybe for the world… I’ve said it for a long long long time (long for me… maybe 10 years :D) that Iran is the country we need to keep an eye on… now this whole Irag invasion is seriously looking like the beginning to and un-ending… but that’s what we signed on for remember… “War on Terror”

Final Bit of Good News:

— there is no more bad news to report 😀

have great day… perhaps several… as it may take me a while to get back on here…. (maybe this weekend)

The Best Movies of 2005

2005 brought everything from comic book heros (Batman Begins)
to another remake of an 8000 pound gorilla (King Kong)
to the long anticipated first heavy breathing of Darth Vader (Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith)
to aliens once again coming to conquer us (War of the Worlds) but of course failing
and another game turned movie (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
as well as the latest installment of youth gone magical (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
and Willy Wonka’s return to the big screen (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
also 2 guys looking for love in all the wrong perhaps right places (Wedding Crashers)
a couple who really wants to kill each other (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
and finally the one big animated movie of the year (Madagascar)

whew… and those are just the top grossing for 2005… lots of Hollywood glitter and gold in that list.

so for those of you who’ve seen a few of these, which one was your absolute favorite?

i would’ve thought that King Kong or Star Wars Episode III would’ve been a close race for me. however, i’m sticking with Batman Begins. i’ve watched it on dvd a couple times since seeing it this summer at the movies and it just entertains me more than the others. granted, i haven’t seen all these movies (some i have no interests). who knows, maybe your comments will motivate me to check one i wasn’t planning on even renting.

Poll Results:

New Year, New Job, Another Day

just before the Christmas hustle and bustle i started a new job. i left my job at (still the best austin web design company out there) to accept a position with

my time with was a blast. jimmy, the founder and owner is a great guy and it was hard to break the news to him. in my short time with him we cranked out some great sites and helped bring sitestreet’s search engine optimization abilities up to par with the best of the best. jimmy really had things ramping up nicely just before i left and i expect that sitestreet will continue to see revenue growth and profit$

so, u might be asking… why did u leave if it was so good. well… in the most random of ways i just happened to come across and see a posting for a position that looked really attractive to my nature and skills. so, i figured, “i’ll send my resume and that will be the end of that.” and for a month that was the end of that and then out of the blue i get a phone call from Zach and he hits me up for a phone interview on the spot. the chat was good and he asked me to come into the office. a few interviews and conversations later i’m being offered a position.

with some serious deliberation i gave up working from home, for sitestreet, only to have to get dressed everyday and drive to work… i know i’m pretty sad huh. well… of course the pay isn’t anything to sneeze at and the benefits will be nice (after my 90 days when they kick in) and i’m looking forward to partaking of the quarterly and annual bonuses but truly most of all is the oppurtunity. i mean all things being stated the potential at TC is extremely broad and deep. this is/was true at sitestreet, however, sitestreet didn’t get to take advantage of the best of me the way TC i believe will.

so there u go, i’m stoked to be starting the new year in a new job with a lot of possibilities. over the months i hope u guys will check out the site from time to time (but don’t ask me for discounts hehe… family is already hitting me up :D) but we’ll see… maybe we can put something together.

for my proggy friends out there… i’m about to embark on creating a new API with .Net, and new content management system/user interface for the public site(s) so i’ll be up to my nose in code for the next several months. as a few of us know nothing makes life better than building your house on a solid foundation rather than sand. from there we’re going to shake things up in the online event ticketing industry. (be on the lookout for some .Net questions coming your way via email u .Net’ers).

and there you go 😀

Xmas 2005 & New Year’s 2006

this is likely my last post for a while, since i’ll be traveling to visit family for Christmas. i’ve got a lot of news and goodies to share with everyone once i get back so stay tuned in :D.

in the meantime has anybody else noticed the Google Doodle going on with their logo?

be safe and have a great Christmas! for those of you who do not celebrate Christmas I hope you celebrate in some other way with your family and friends and have a great time as well.

in case I’m not back to posting before New Year’s… have fun, be safe and i’ll see you in 2006

Man Versus Vegas

have u seen Man vs. Vegas… it’s insanely cool. this guy, Darren, apparently lost several million dollars in the late 90’s and has decided to take his last 1 million and share the wealth playing high stakes games with whoever is around and willing to play with him. i saw where he got a group of ladies playing penny slots and took them over to the $100 slot machines and gave them each $500 but they had to spin the machine 5 times ($100 each spin) and they would all split the total winnings… they ended up with a few hunderd dollars profit after all the spins… but Darren decided to give each of them a little extra!! how cool is that… i hope i bump into this guy on my next trip to Vegas.

check it out it’s on CMT >> Man vs. Vegas

In Honor of Halloween… Name That Candybar

the best thing about Halloween… CANDY!!!!

i don’t really give much thought about the origins of Halloween… i don’t care what it once was… what it is today, in America is quite simply a day that kids (for the most part) get to dress up as something fantastic… be it scary or just plain fun… then they get to go door to door to collect free yummy candy. how can that be a bad thing???

so in honor of all the great candies out there i found this >> Name That Candybar Game
just playing it makes me want to put a towel in the back collar of my shirt (as i did when i was young) and go door to door as superman… and mob them for their goodies.

for non candy people… i hope u safely enjoy the other festivities tonight… haunted houses, costumue parties, scary movie get togethers… turning out the lights and acting like your not home and watching TV… whatever floats your boat.